Thursday, February 2, 2017

Growing Up Wild

Growing Up Wild

 Growing Up Wild is a collection of educational DVDs that takes you into the remote jungles of Indonesia and shows you the day to day life of the four Wild brothers. Each episode will share an aspect of missionary life and offer activity ideas that will cause your children to explore their world and connect with ours. -From the Growing Up Wild website.

Meet the Wilds!  Mom, Dad, and 3 Wild brothers.  The Wilds are an amazing family serving as missionaries in the remote tribal jungle of Indonesia.

We received Volume 1 and 4 of the Growing Up Wild dvds.  Each included 3 15-minute episodes as well as an activity guide for teachers.
Volume 1 included the following episodes:
1. Home Sweet Hut - Get an insiders peek at the Wild Family Hut.
2. Supply Trip - Living in the jungle means flying in supplies.
3. Sun & Water - Learn with the Wilds about how sun and water power their home and help them to live in the jungle a little more comfortably.

 Volume 4 includes the following episodes:
1. Amazing World Around Us - Amazing episode about the wildlife in the jungles of Papua.
2. Adventures in Culture - Learn along with the Wild brothers about the tribal culture...including nose piercing!  (My kids loved this episode!)
3. Tribal Calling (See why the Wilds and other missionary families feel called to tribal missions.)

 These dvds are a part of a 5 dvd series filmed by the Wild Family.  It took them 3 years to film and produce these films that they consider "a tool to influence an army of future missionaries that would take the Gospel to the remaining unreached people groups of the world."

Our entire family have truly enjoyed each episode of the Growing Up Wild dvds.  It has been particularly timely for us as we have been studying missionaries this year as part of our read-aloud studies.  Its been wonderful for our kids to get a glimpse into the lives of current day missionaries and to learn how this Christians are sharing the gospel "to the ends of the earth"!
As well as watching the episodes, we also enjoyed doing the follow up activities suggested on the teachers guide which are a part of the DVD-Rom.  Some activities were as simple as watching a creation video that the Wild brothers enjoy. 
 One activity included making a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences between the Wild hut and our own house.  Our kids liked comparing our house to the Wilds hut, but that experience was quickly topped when they had the opportunity to make their own hut...

 It is far more crude then the Wild hut, but such a fun project!

The Growing Up Wild dvd series would make a great addition to your homeschool studies and would also be perfect for a Sunday School Class series.  The quality of the filming is excellent and the episodes are educational and inspiring. 

 You can purchase each Growing Up Wild dvd for $18.99 and you can read more reviews at the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog.

Disclaimer: I have been given the wonderful opportunity to review many homeschool products over the last few years. The only compensation that I receive for my review is the free product. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in review groups and I have enjoyed trying out these products and giving you my honest opinion.

Available link for download