Saturday, February 11, 2017

Guest Post Homemade Pixie Sticks

Guest Post Homemade Pixie Sticks

Hello! Its been a busy start to the year for Amandas Parties To Go and Im working on a new Valentines set to reveal soon.... yes, its already time to think about the next holiday!

So many wonderful occasions to celebrate! While I get a few things done for the new photo shoot, my talented contributor Brittany from Edible Details is here today to share a WONDERFUL idea for
How fun!

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Happy New Year!!

Brittany from Edible Details here to start off a year of tutorials with one I have been super excited about sharing with you all!

My take on the childhood favorite...
Pixie Sticks!
These sweet sticks are so simple to make, and with NO preservatives, you may have just found your natural alternative to the classic sugar rush.

Play around with your favorite flavors and let me know how they turn out, I would love to hear from you! 

The best part about these is that because it calls for "Freeze Dried" fruit (AKA - REAL fruit!), it tastes like the real thing! 

Freeze Dried Fruit
1/4 cup granulated sugar

Pick up "Freeze Dried" fruit in an assortment of flavors at your local Trader Joes (A little goes a long ways!), Sams Club or order online from a variety of different vendors.

In a thoroughly cleaned coffee grinder (Unless coffee and fruit is your preferred taste) combine 1/4 cup granulated sugar and aprox 1/8 cup fruit.

Use on the "Pulse" setting and grind for about 5 seconds and check,
grind more if needed but never going more than 2 seconds at a time.
Grind until all fruit checks are gone.

Bend the bottom of a paper straw (I bought mine from Shop Sweet Lulu and make a paper cone with a hold just large enough to fit inside your straw.

Slowly sprinkle in your pixie powder just a little at a time so it wont clump up at the end, fill about 8/10 full and fold the other end to seal. 

Store in a moisture free area and enjoy! 

TIP: If your powder gets too powdery and doesnt want to pour nice, you can simply fold a piece of paper and "slide" the powder into the straw this way rather than making a cone. Texture of the powder may very depending on the food processor used and the humidity conditions in your home. 

 FABULOUS, Brittany!

I love this idea and cant wait to try this with my own kids. I think I might actually try it myself first..... "fool" them and let them LOVE it. Then Ill break the news that its not colored sugar but REAL FRUIT!


I sometimes link to:   CraftomaniacTater Tots and JelloSkip to my LouUnder the Table and DreamingBlue Cricket DesignSomeday CraftsHouse of HepworthsSomewhat SimpleTidy Mom,Romantic Home,Shabby NestFingerprints on the FridgeFinding FabulousThe Girl CreativeBe Different Act Normal,Todays Creative BlogTip Junkie C.R.A.F.T. Tea Rose HomeThe Shabby Chic Cottage,The Trendy Treehouse,  Beyond the Picket FenceMad in CraftsSugar Bee Crafts,  Whipperberry, Sassy Sites, 30 Handmade Days, Between Naps on the Porch

Available link for download