Identify your acer product and we will provide you with downloads, support articles and other online support resources that will help you get the most out of your acer product. get support drivers and manuals. I have a laptop acer aspire 5738pg and i changed from windows 7 to windows 10 and now i don't have bluetooth. i had an investigation and apparently there is no driver yet for bluetooth windows 10.. Driver bluetooth acer aspire 1410 dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan bluetooth pada laptop acer tipe apsire 1410. acer menyediakan installer driver program untuk bluetooth agar pengguna aspire 1410 bisa mengunduh dengan mudah untuk menjalankan perangkat bluetooth pada laptopnya..
Acer aspire v5-132 drivers download this page contains the list of device drivers for acer aspire v5-132. to download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button.. Hi , i have acer laptop e1-571g. i had to repair my win 10 and now got no wifi or bluetooth driver . if i search drivers for my type of laptop the latest versions i can download is win 8.1 .. Mohon bantuannya notebook saya acer aspire e1 422, bluetooth tdk bisa kirim maupun terima file, padahal sudah instal ulang driver bluetooth sesuai os dan vendornya, dan terakhir saya ikuti tutorial di internet merubah log on di service local. tetapi tetap saja tidk bisa terdeteksi maupun kirim file di explorer tidak ada icon bleutoothnya. mohon.