Friday, February 10, 2017

Guide to Vitamins Part 3

Guide to Vitamins Part 3

(Ascorbic Acid) Forms collagen to hold  brussels sprouts, weakness, fatigue,
body cells together. strawberries, loss of appetite,
Helps maintain bones oranges, broccoli, weight loss, irrita-
& teeth, heal wounds, green peppers, bility, slow growth,
absorb iron and aids  grapefruit, collard increased risk of
resistance to infection. greens, cauliflower infection, swollen,
Prevents destruction  cantaloupe,  inflamed & bleeding
on B vitamins through tangerines,  gums, swollen &
oxidation. tomatoes,  aching joints, easy
asparagus, cabbage bruising, nosebleeds,
delayed wound
D Increases absorption  fortified mlk, egg poor bone & tooth
of calcium and yolks, organ meats,  formation, bowed
phosphorus. Assists fortified breakfast legs, stunted 
in several phases of cereals. Sunlight growth, muscle
calcium & phosphorus weakness, softening
metabolism, aiding in of bones, pain in
bone & tooth develop- pelvis, back, legs; 
ment.  easily broken bones,
muscle twitching &
E Protects essential fatty plant oils (used in red blood cell 
acids & vitamin A from margarine & salad breakage & muscle
oxidation. Protects cell dressings), wheat weakness.
membranes. Protects germ, green leafy
red blood cells. Helps vegetables, nuts,
cells use oxygen to whole grains, liver,
yield energy egg yolks, legumes,
fruits, other 
K Aids in formation of  green leafy  tendency to 
blood clotting proteins. vegetables, hemmorhage, 
Aids in regulation of cabbage-family delayed blood
blood calcium vegetables, liver, clotting

egg yolks, milk

Used with permission from A Year of Health Hints by Don R Powell, PHD and the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, copyright 2010.

Available link for download